Cosmic Healing NW Affirmation Cards Deck
This deck was created by Vibrational Medicine Practitioner Christy Kay. Each deck contains 59 affirmation cards. Each card has original photography of the PNW, along with an intuitively inspired affirmation. Shuffle the deck with intention, and allow your card to come forward, with your affirmation for the day! Change your mindset, change your life.
This deck was created by Vibrational Medicine Practitioner Christy Kay. Each deck contains 59 affirmation cards. Each card has original photography of the PNW, along with an intuitively inspired affirmation. Shuffle the deck with intention, and allow your card to come forward, with your affirmation for the day! Change your mindset, change your life.
This deck was created by Vibrational Medicine Practitioner Christy Kay. Each deck contains 59 affirmation cards. Each card has original photography of the PNW, along with an intuitively inspired affirmation. Shuffle the deck with intention, and allow your card to come forward, with your affirmation for the day! Change your mindset, change your life.