Guidelines to follow after an Energetic Healing Session 

  1. Drink lots of water!

  2. Preferably, do not wash or shower for at least 12-24 hours after the healing session. This further allows the assimilation of energy in the etheric and physical bodies. When you bathe next, take a salt bath to draw off any negative energy that may have accumulated since the time of the healing session (See #5 below for details)

  3. Eat light meals and abstain from red meat for at least 12-24 hours. Red meat requires much energy to digest and may leave you feeling depleted of energy (as it is a low form of energy)

  4. Try to rest after the session. Follow your normal routine but refrain from excessive exercises or activities.

  5. Try to keep your thoughts and actions focused positively. This allows the healing energy to be more fully absorbed. Mentally repeat a positive affirmation, such as, “I completely, deeply, permanently accept all the healing energy, Thank you”, several times throughout the next few days. Cultivating a healthy state of mind will assist in the healing process.

  6. Begin taking salt baths on a regular basis if your ailment is severe (at least 2-3 times a week). This cleanses the energy field around your body, helping it to stay cleaner and healthier, which accelerates the rate of healing. SALT BATH: Use ½ cup of rock salt (Himalayan or sea salt is best) Dissolve the salt in a bath of warm water. Fill the tub enough to cover as much of your body as possible. Soak your body for 20-30 minutes and follow with a regular shower to wash off the salt water.

    **Please Note: If you do not take baths, this method may be adapted to the shower. You can use the salt as a body scrub while intending that the salt cleanse all the negative energy from your etheric and physical bodies. Then after you have cleansed your body, follow with a regular shower.

  7. You may experience a physical or emotional reaction following a healing session. The body will begin to detoxify and in some cases, may naturally cleanse itself through diarrhea, vomiting, strong urine smell, nervous twitches etc.- this is not common and will not last long. Skin blemishes or rashes may become noticeable with the release of stored toxins. Because of toxin release, there may be an increase in the amount of urination. Please be sure to drink plenty of liquids, especially water. Stored emotions may surface and you may want to be deal with them as they surface. It could be anger, weeping, laughing, burping, etc. Deal with them in whatever way feels right for you: taking deep breaths, journal writing, drawing using colors to represent emotions, allowing them to run their course and releasing them into Universal Life Force. Always be gentle with yourself and give yourself credit for letting go of old emotions that no longer serve you.

  8. Remember, I am only a facilitator of healing. You are responsible and in control of your own healing. Listen to your body: use your intuition and your intellect to tune into yourself and your ailment.

  9. If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, or you would like to write a review of your experience, then please contact me at 503-800-1092 or